Method 1 and 2 perform well in Word 2010 and higher versions only. And you will observe the linear fraction turns into a stacked one.

Next, click the “Equation Options” button.Second, enter a linear fraction in the equation editing box.Firstly, repeat first 2 steps in method 1.Method 2: Convert “Linear Fraction” to “Stacked Fraction” Lastly, click empty area on the document to exit editing.Now enter numerator and denominator in dotted boxes respectively.

Next choose “Stacked Fraction” or “Skewed Fraction” on the list-menu.Go to click “Fraction” in “Operator” group. Now you can see an equation editing box on your document.Then click “Equation” in “Symbols” group.Method 1: Choose “Stacked Fraction” or “Skewed Fraction” Structure So there are 5 actually working methods in this writing for you to complete the task. Obviously, we cannot directly type to get one. However, there can be times when we do need a stacked or skewed fraction, such as below: Generally, when we need to insert a fraction in Word document, we will just enter a linear one by entering a slash between the numerator and denominator. This article is devoted to showing you 5 effective ways which works well in getting a stacked or skewed fraction for you Word document.